Friday, 28 October 2011

Update ...

Hello traders. Sorry about the absence during the week. My daytime job has been a bit hectic and I haven't had a chance to post any new updates.

For this week, my winnings and losses balanced out and my account was basically unchanged. The short term 'short' setup on the EUR/USD from my last post did eventuate on a 1 hour chart, but (surprise, surprise) I didn't take the trade. This cost me a quick 90 pip profit.

Ultimately, the EUR did continue its climb afterward.

This highlights a continued weakness in my trading which is the lack of discipline to setup the trade and stick with it for better or worse, coupled with a bad habit of over leverage. I also stopped blogging which meant I didn't have the advantage of having my thoughts on paper for analysis.

Let this be a warning to all would be traders. Have your strategy and stick to it - be confident of it. In addition, don't stop diarising your trades and analysis. It's a very important way of continually improving through self review.

Keep an eye out, I will be putting in a weekend update on all the trading pairs I am interested in.

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