A long time between posts. I have to say I haven't devoted as much time as I should have to the fundamentals of trading. These are:
- Plan your trades
- Keep a trading diary
Looking back, I don't believe there has been a single trading rule I haven't broken. Planning trades is the most important discipline. For me, this is the following list of my crimes against trading:
- Placing random trades in the absence of price action signals
- Not spending time on technical patterns - this is a job, not a hobby
- Not planning out any stops or limits
- Forgetting to remove stale orders - I am just lucky that when the last one of these gremlins triggered, it triggered in the right direction.
So, it is time to get back to basics. More frequent updates, planning, and keeping a trading diary.
If anyone cares to follow, I will also be keeping my play by play over on Pinterest.
To conclude this post: wishing myself and all you traders out there good trading into the last week and a half of the Australian financial year. Including one of my favourite memes to sum up my trading attitude lately.
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